Research shows that one in five people suffer from a condition that causes a constant ringing or noise in the ear, known as tinnitus.
Although there’s no magic drug that can clear tinnitus, there are a number of treatment methods available. Aside from the options your doctor might suggest, you may also want to try complementary treatments to help manage the condition.
Hypnosis is often used as an alternative treatment to help the sufferer become less aware of the ringing noise. Generally, the noise itself isn’t the main reason why people suffer – it’s the negative perception and reaction to this sound that causes problems. When you use hypnosis, it will help teach your brain that the sound doesn’t matter, so it’ll eventually stop reacting to it.
Ginkgo Biloba
This is an herbal supplement available in many natural health stores. A number of studies have been carried out that look into the effect this herb can have on tinnitus, which have produced mixed results. It was concluded that the supplement didn’t help most people to clear tinnitus, but it may benefit you if you try it. As an added bonus you might also feel some enhanced brain power!
This treatment is used for a number of conditions, including as a way to clear tinnitus. Studies done into the effect of acupuncture showed that there were some improvements for nearly half of all patients who took the treatment, however, the improvements did not generally last. Other studies failed to show an improvement in the condition.
Many people try out complementary therapies assuming that they will be safe. But it’s important to realize that even natural supplements can have unwanted side effects on the body. Though most therapies are safe, it’s important to speak to medical professionals before going ahead. For example, side effects of the ginkgo biloba supplement can include headaches or upset stomachs.
On top of this, it’s also important to rule out any underlying conditions before starting any course of treatment. If your tinnitus has a treatable reason behind it, it’s important that you know what it is and that it’s treated accordingly.
Don’t get discouraged if these complementary treatments fail to clear tinnitus. The nature of the condition means that it’s different for everyone: what worked for someone you know isn’t necessarily going to work for you. In general, looking for ways to manage the condition, and getting rid of the negative associations you may have with it, are helpful in getting your life back to normal.
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