
Can Tinnitus Be Cured?

Has your doctor confirmed that you’re suffering from this condition, then the question of “how to cure tinnitus” is likely to be on your mind. After all, this is a condition that can end up interfering with all aspects of everyday life.

If your tinnitus was caused by an underlying condition then your doctor will advise you on the next step to take. However, in most cases the cause is undetermined and there is no specific cure. Self help methods and other treatments are generally aimed at making the condition more manageable. Here is a quick guide to what you can do to help yourself.

Watch Your Stress Levels
Knowing how to cure tinnitus means knowing what can make it worse. Although stress does not technically cause tinnitus, it can make it more noticeable. This is why it’s important to learn to manage your stress levels. There are many ways to do this: simply exercising more could help to keep your stress levels under control, or you could try techniques such as meditation, deep breathing and yoga.

Reduce Alcohol Intake
Alcohol causes your blood vessels to dilate, increasing the blood flow throughout your body. This also affects your inner ear and can make the ringing worse. Try to drink less alcohol, or avoid it altogether, if possible.

Cover Up the Noise
The main reason why tinnitus can be so unbearable is that you are always aware of the noise. To help solve this problem, try covering it up with a number of methods. For example, you might keep the radio or a CD on when you’re trying to get to sleep, or have a fan on in the background during the day to distract you.

Avoid Loud Noises
Loud noises will make your tinnitus worse, so stay away from noisy areas and don’t listen to loud music players or televisions.

Join A Support Group
Much of the struggle to do with tinnitus is psychological, so joining a local support group can help. Tinnitus is more common than you might think, and talking to others in the same situation may help you to feel more in control. They may even be able to tell you how to cure tinnitus through methods that members have tried themselves.

Knowing how to cure tinnitus is not an exact science: treatments will vary from person to person. However, the good news is that the condition is very manageable in most cases.

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